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MESSAGING: Streamlined design makes it easier to chat and connect VIEWERS: See who’s viewed your profile for free SEARCH & FILTERS: Search by who they are, what they’re into, relationship status, and more REDESIGNED PROFILES: Swipe through multiple pics and quickly message, favorite, or unlock private photosĭISCOVER: A new way to connect with other people based on recent activityīROWSE: See everyone nearby or expand your view to people around the globe New and improved Jack’d features you’ll love: Whether you’re looking to chat, make friends, find love, or keep it casual, you’ll find it on Jack’d. We believe in the power of technology to create community and to connect with each other. Jack’d is an independent, LGBTQ+ owned and operated company, and we use the app we build.

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With 5 million people spanning 2,000 cities in 180 countries, we’re proud to be the most inclusive dating app for QPOC. Fun! This is what distinguishes Jack’d from all other queer dating apps.

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